Lydia is 5 months!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lydia is 5 months!  I thought I would put her likes, dislikes and changes as of 5 months.

Lydia likes:
- Outdoors and feeling the grass, leaves, flowers and yes, even dirt.
- Eating: she will eat as much formula that you give her in one sitting. 6 oz, 7 oz, 8 oz...whatever you give her, she'll eat it all.
- Paci and Key-Key during nap time and bedtime: Key Key is her Monkey lovie (I got three of them just in case).
- Smiling and Jumping: she loves to jump up and down on your lap or in the exer-saucer.
- Kicking: loves to kick in her sleep as well as when she wakes up in the morning or when she's excited
- Watching Harley move around, scratch/shake, play with her Snoopy.
- Rolling over to her stomach and back over: now she's just continuing to roll all over the place - she just keeps rolling and rolling and rolling until a chair, wall or couch stops her.
- Giving raspberries: she drools like crazy and would do raspberries all day long - for those who don't know what a raspberry is, it's when she sticks her tongue out and spits/blows bubbles.
- Talking: she will just sit there and make noises like she's talking and telling a story or telling you all about her day (it makes us laugh).
- Standing: she loves to stand up, when she's sitting down or laying down, she stretches out her legs and pushes with straight legs up to the standing position...I think she likes to see everything going on.
- Looking at herself in the mirror: this has been something new just in the past month.  I would always try and entertain her in the mirror, but she didn't take to it until a month ago.  Now she smiles and laughs at herself and thinks it's the funniest thing.
- Baths: thank goodness!  She loves the water and getting bathed.  I'm excited for the Summer and pool-time with her.
- Grabbing things: if you hold her, she will grab on to your neck or cheek or glasses or arm...really anything she can get a grasp on and she is strong!
- Crunches:  She will be on her back and lift her head up and keep it there for a long time...she's working her abdominals really well.
- She loves being around people: she takes to new people very well and like crowds too.

There's so much more she likes, but this is what I can think of for now.

Lydia does NOT like:
- Not being able to flip back over if something is in her way
- Swaddling: I guess she's growing out of it, but if we swaddle her, she gets her arms out really quick, so now we are putting her in sleeveless sleep sacks and she likes them better at night
- Being hungry
- Dirty diapers
- Being over-tired
- Taking good afternoon naps
- Not being able to see what's going on

Some recent changes that Lydia has had:
- No more swaddling: only sleep sacks now!
- Switching to eating every 4 hours of 8 oz. instead of every 3 hours of 6 oz. - more convenient for us all
- Rolling over and over and over
- Pulling her legs up to push herself around (beginning movements of trying to crawl)
- Teething with more drool - which means putting everything in her mouth
- Being able to put her toes in her mouth
- Holding the bottle by herself
- Maybe waking up 1x every 2-3 weeks as oppose to 2x a week in the middle of the night
- Sleeping until 8am in the morning (that's almost 12 hours!!!) or entertaining herself in the crib until then
- Going to sleep at night a little easier: We're now rocking her for a couple of minutes, then we will put her in the crib awake.  She might fuss for 5-10 minutes, but eventually she'll fall asleep