End of Summer Pics

Monday, September 3, 2012

We went to Galveston for the first time in about 4 years to see the bay house and take Lydia out on the boat.  Bubba and Ricca were there and Bubba (Uncle Grant) let Lydia drive the boat...she loved it!

Here we are pulling back into the boat slip as soon as we saw the storm coming ashore.

Lydia really loved riding in the boat and sat on the bow of the boat with her Daddy - she liked the wind blowing through her hair.  Looks like we'll be taking her down there more often now.

We went to City Center for brunch one Sunday and Lydia played around with all the other kids.  She loves kicking the ball and chasing all the big kids around.

On Mondays, Nana watches Lydia and she gets to go shopping and to the zoo...lucky.

During Restaurant Week in Houston, we went to Americas...it was a nice adult night out and very much needed.  The food was delicious!

Lydia moved on up to a big girl chair (sort of).  No more booster seat for her at home, we got this great "grows as you grow" chair.  The best thing I like about it is that she can use it as a step stool while helping me in the kitchen.  I see us baking Christmas cookies together this year - stay tuned to see how that really works out.

Ok, Grandpa, one more time, this is how the iPad works...
Lydia's tutorial for Grandpa is going well...so far, though she looks a little frustrated.

Hanging out with Daddy

Learning how to walk Harley - Harley was very gentle for her first leash walking experience.