What We've Been Up To Lately...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Well, this "first quarter" of 2013 has been super busy as you can tell by my lack of blogging.

Lydia has really taken a liking to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  It's the only show she'll watch for more than 10 minutes.  She'll sit with her Mickey and Minnie dolls and eat a cereal bar.  I was able to take this picture before Harley grabbed Mickey and ran away, but she brought him back...later.

It's RODEO time, that's right, I finally found my forever rodeo jacket.  Pretty neat huh?  I got many comments on it at the cook-off and it even helped me become friends with some of the rowdy crowd.  Thanks to my Dad's cousin, Ronnie, for letting me wear it!!

 We went to a dear friend's wedding in San Antonio and they had a photo booth...after a couple (or more than a couple drinks), Blair and I took these pictures.  He will probably make me take this off as soon as he sees I posted it...ha!

 Who's the stickiest of them all???  -   This girl is!  She found my secret stash of Valentine's lollipops and so I had to give it to her.  It was the stickiest lollipop ever.  Needless to say, it wound up in her hair, clothes and some even in her mouth.  And she now LOVES lollipops!

Crazy Girl!!  I asked her to help me pack her for a night in Galveston and while I was in her closet picking out clothes, I heard giggling.  I turned around and she had her head down in her bag and her legs up the wall.  Yes, she's a little crazy and makes us laugh all the time!