Fourth of July

Monday, July 15, 2013

We went down to Galveston for the Fourth.  Unfortunately Lydia didn't care too much for the fireworks and they scared her.  Thank goodness we had 2 sound machines going and a oscillating fan.  We had a good time with everyone.  We got to take some boat rides, fish and swim.

She really did so well on the boat.  We went out to the ocean and fished with Bubba and Ricca.  She didn't mind waiting for the fish to bite.

On the way back to the house, she fell asleep in Daddy's arms.  Thank goodness for sunscreen.  It was so hot and sunny out that day.

Da and Daddy picked up a kite for Lydia and Harley wanted to participate.  They tried to fly the kite on the third deck with more wind and it finally caught the wind.

At sunset we watched all the boats come down the canal from the day with Honey and Da.

Tried to get a good family photo from the weekend.

Well this is a very impressive picture and we can't take credit of the enormous fish that was caught.  Ricca caught this great fish and we were measuring it up to Lydia's size.