Christmas Time is Here!

Monday, December 15, 2014

We've seen Santa everywhere this Starbucks in front of us in line, driving in a truck through the neighborhood (twice), on a firetruck waving and throwing mints, at breakfast at Pine Forest, at HRC, at Berings, flying in the sky leaving a jet stream and on the corner of the street.  He's watching everywhere and watching everyone all the time!

We went to a reading of The Polar Express at Barnes and Noble 
Pine Forest breakfast with Santa had some other really cool things to see: gingerbread house city-complete with two trains and snow, Santa and crafts

William rocking and rocking at Nana and Grandpa's house

Great picture with Santa - William wasn't afraid at all, but that could've been because he never looked at him in the face before I sat him in Santa's arms.

Lydia got to decorate a large gingerbread house and it looks so yummy for Santa.  We had so much fun with Honey, Kacey, Caroline and Charlotte.

Lydia's ballet Christmas program recital