Our long weekend trip to NYC and Philadelphia

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blair and I took two days off of work (I haven't taken a vacation day since Thanksgiving) and flew up to NYC to visit Mary, Brendan and Huckleberry and then took a bus on Saturday morning to visit Paul, Renee and Sam. 
We had a great time playing with little Huckles, who is now 50 lbs., and we got to shop and eat at some great restaurants.  We met up with some of Blair's college friends for dinner and it was so good to see them.  We also got to have dinner with one of Blair's cousins that I hadn't met yet.  It was really nice.  The first picture below is of Mary and Huckles getting ready for a walk in the rain.  His little raincoat is so cute. The next is of Huckleberry at the dog park playing with two other dogs and he won the tug-o-war contest.  As any dog owner should know, you aren't suppose to bring a tug-o-war toy to the dog park.  The lady that brought this toy was finally given back the toy all covered in slobber. 
Then on Saturday we took a bus to Philadelphia to visit with Paul, Renee and Sam.  It was so great to see Sam and see how much he's grown.  He's so lively and was a lot of fun to play with.  We got to babysit him for a little bit and he was so good.  He loves to dance and play ball.  He also just started saying his ABCs out of the blue and knows a lot of animal noises.  He knew all the noises of any animal we said!  Unfotunately we didn't time getting pictures with him right since he was napping when we left...next time though.
It was so nice to get away for a while and visit with family.