20 Week Check Up

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We had our 20 week check up last week.  I had another ultrasound and there is definite confirmation that the baby is a girl!  It was so neat to watch her move around on screen.  She was waving her hands and would cross her legs and uncross them and then turnaround.  She's kicking a lot now too, so to see her moving all around was really neat.  They said everything is still looking good and they did a lot of measurements and took a lot of pictures for the Dr. to review.  The Dr. said all is well and she has 10 fingers and toes...we counted on screen.  Here are some pictures of the ultrasound, they aren't that great.  She looks kinda weird in the face pictures, so don't judge her by these pictures.  The ones with the hands and feet are the best.

She looks like an alien here.

Here's her feet.

Here's her hands.

AND...Blair felt her kick two nights ago for the first time!  It's very faint, but he was excited he finally felt it.