22 Weeks and 4 Days

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Here's a picture of me at 22 weeks and 4 days.  I'm definitely showing and instead of people ignoring the "questionable" bump on my stomach, they are all stopping me and asking me my due date or making baby comments.  People have been asking me what I'm craving and it's really the same thing...anything with fruit!  I've moved on to Cheerios instead of Fruit Loops and my absolute favorite thing to make is smoothies.  I'll make a banana/blueberry smoothie or banana/kiwi smoothie.  My Mom has been making me some green smoothies, which is fruit and some sort of vegetable like celery, kale or carrots.  I'm also eating a lot of whole fruits, especially watermelon, oranges, apples and blueberries.  And for a bad treat, I'll eat ice cream.  Sonic Happy Hour (2-4) is awesome!  I go on Tuesdays when I work from home and take Harley with me...she loves Sonic Happy Hour.  I get a watermelon or cherry limeade slushie for 86 cents!  I've tried all their flavors and these two are my favorite.  I guess this is really a bad treat too because it's mostly sugar.  I highly recommend it to anyone though on a hot Houston day.
Baby A loves to kick and Blair has been feeling her kick a lot, which is really special.  I've been feeling ok, I guess what's expected being 5 months pregers...definitely not unbearable, just a little uncomfortable.  I still love being pregnant, it makes me feel really good and I've been eating so much more healthier and exercising a little more.  In the mornings I do yoga stretches for about 20 minutes (Harley helps by sitting almost on top of me, watches and roots me on).  On Tuesdays I get to go to my Pilates/Yoga/Ballet class for 30 minutes.  I love this class as it helps my legs and butt look good with a large tummy.  The instructors are so encouraging and always talk to me about what they learn I can do.  Then I'm trying to walk a little more.  I'm usually really tired when I get home from work, but I try and go with Blair to take Harley for a walk.  I need to work more on pushing myself to go. 

Here's me at a little over 22 weeks and growing...

Here's Harley excited to go to Sonic Happy Hour (she was moving a lot and this was the best pic I got)