Happy Halloween...Oink Oink!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We had our annual Halloween street party in our front yard and it was loads of fun!  There are many little ones just on our block (8 under 2 years old).

Hey! It's Halloween - YEAH!

Thanks for fixing my piggy hat Nana!

My next door neighbor, Wyatt, loves to push me in my pink car - we're smitten with each other.

I know there is more candy than this little plate - people better not be hiding it from me.  I'll find it with my piggy nose when others aren't looking.

My neighbor down the street, Layton (Wonder Woman) and I found the jackpot.

This is so much fun!  And I have no idea what candy is yet, I just love throwing it!

Layton's gone - It's ALL mine - ALL mine! No one will catch me now.

Busted again!!  What's a piggy to do?