My favorite part of the day...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

After work, Blair and I take Harley for a walk.  I love this time because it's so peaceful - meaning no cell phones, no computers, no tvs - just nature and being outside and watching all the activities in our neighborhood.  We talk about our day and catch up on things.  Then we come home and I'll read a book or magazine and Blair will read his newspaper or magazine in the backyard.  Harley likes to get up in the chair with me while I read and we just hang out.  This time is so nice and really means a lot to me.  Houston weather has really been great right now and the humidity hasn't kicked in yet...thought I think it will be coming in the next day or so. 
I know once Baby A comes that this time will be minimal, so I'm trying to soak it all in and take advantage of this time I have with Blair and Harley.