Monday was a great day for us. I had the day off and Lydia was a really happy throughout day. We even tried out some new things - the outdoor swing from the tree, longer tummy time activities and took a walk around the neighborhood in the bjorn instead of the stroller. We ate lunch with Daddy and gave him a framed picture of his beautiful daughter for his office.
I even cooked dinner, which I haven't done in a long time. I made lemon chicken and steamed broccoli, very healthy. I had fresh raspberries for dessert and some hot chocolate for Blair.
And the most exciting thing for me is that I can now button some of my pants and one pair of jeans! They are all really tight and the button is hanging on for dear life, but I did it! And my wedding band can come off and on now. I use to not be able to get it off. That means I'll be able to start wearing my engagement ring very soon. I've lost 10 lbs. in 3 weeks and am so excited. It's a great start and hopefully I'll keep losing. Yeah!