Happy 4th of July!

Monday, July 11, 2011

We got to go to San Antonio with Blair's family for the 4th and had a blast.  It was our first time to stay in a hotel room with Lydia and there were some good and bad parts.  The bad part was that she didn't sleep all through the nights, the good part is that she took great naps and it actually is continuing since we've gotten back.  So I was glad to give up a couple of rough nights to get her to take better naps moving forward.

She had a blast playing with her cousins and it was so much fun watching them in the hotel room, at the pool, talking to each other at meal time and watching them crawl around outside.  Here are some pictures from this past weekend.

In our hotel suite: Lydia (8 months), Charlotte (11 months) and Caroline (3 years)

Lydia found the little cubbie hole in the cabinets and Charlotte wanted to get in too.

Can you tell what we were watching this morning?  Lydia and Charlotte are conversing about who's turn it is to get into the cubbie.

Charlotte's turn!  Lydia is practicing patience and taking turns.

Now it's Caroline's turn!  Lydia is still practicing patience and taking turns - might need some more practice time before school starts.

On our way to get some s'mores out by the pool.  Caroline loved riding on the front of Lydia's BOB.  We took advantage of the s'mores each night after dinner...who wouldn't?

Lydia and Charlotte chillin' and waiting patiently as their parents make and eat yummy s'mores by the pool.

Family pic with the resort behind us.  It was an awesome place for families!  Lydia is very sleepy and probably a little ticked off she didn't get a s'more.