Leaving for San Antonio...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

This is the morning we were leaving for Lydia's first long vacation (3 whole nights)!  We went to San Antonio with Blair's family for the 4th of July.  

These are the steps of her waking up in the morning.  She was sleeping until 8:30am and we really needed to get her up and about so she would take a good nap in the car on the way there.  This is her usual process when we watch her wake up in the morning on the video cam.

Sleepy Lydia, still sound asleep at 8:30am - she loves putting her head in the corners of the bumper to sleep.  She sleeps with her bunny, Bevo (with the pacifier on the end) and Key-Key (her monkey lovie).

"Wait, what's going on?  I'm awake now and know something special is happening today...and this bunny won't get off my back."

"I know something is going on, but can't remember what..."

"Oh Mummy, really, the camera?!?!  I haven't even brushed my hair yet!"

"But I do LOVE the camera...CHEESE!  Good Morning!"

"OH MY GOODNESS!  I remember that today we are traveling and I love to travel like my Mummy!  I'm so excited!  Let's go!"