Looks Like November 4th is the Date!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I still feel the same - no contractions or anything.  So it looks like tomorrow I'll be getting induced!  I'm really excited and nervous about it.  We always pictures ourselves rushing to the hospital but this way it seems like it's an appointment.  I feel really good about getting induced since the baby is very healthy at this time and I'm about a week late.  I hope the induction process goes smoothly and I'm not in labor for two days - yikes!  Everyone, please say prayers for us!

Last night Harley was being extra cuddly, we thought maybe she knew something we didn't know - that I would be going into labor.  She followed me around and sat next to me everywhere I went.  Here we are last night enjoying the great cooler weather.  Finally it got cooler for us and it's been raining each night.  I'm glad for this since the rain has stopped the workers in the houses next to us and waking us up before 8am.  We've been able to sleep in, which has been much much needed.

Wish us luck for tomorrow!!