Lydia's Exersaucer

Monday, March 14, 2011

The other weekend we moved out our glass coffee table in the den and Blair built her Exersaucer.  We have so much more room now to play with her on the floor.  She is rolling over a lot now since February 28th.  I guess we've become those people that change an entire room to be dedicated to toys, swings, bouncers and blankets for their children.  At least we have a living room that is totally "adult" - well, expect for the baby swing.
She's been loving the outdoors and we try to take walks everyday as a family.  Harley doesn't like it so much since she always is being told where to go, but Lydia loves being in the Bjorn looking out at everything.  She also really enjoys the swing on the tree in our backyard.
Today some other Moms are coming over to hang out outside with their kids - and of course drink some much needed wine!