37 Weeks and still 1cm

Monday, October 11, 2010

Since we are going weekly now, our last appointment was last Thursday.  I'm still 1cm dilated with no changes.  Everything seems to be moving along ok.  The nurse could even press on my stomach and know which way the baby was facing.  She is still head down and her feet are more on my right side then left...which explains all the movement on my right side.  It's like she's trying to kick her way out at times and it's hard to sleep on that side.
Work threw me a baby shower last Friday and it was very nice.  I got a lot of gift cards and some other neat gifts that I needed too.  My Mom helped me organize it all and wash everything this Saturday, which was a huge help.  Blair helped by checking off some house "to-dos" on my list.  So I feel even more prepared.
I have two more days at the office and then I'll be telecommuting for another week, then I'll be taking vacation until the baby comes.  I hope I get at least some days of actual vacation before she comes.  I have a list of things I want to read and review and some newborn DVDs I want to watch too.  It's been harder and more uncomfortable for me to work at the office these days.  I even take my breaks about every 45 minutes.  Blair drove me to work today, which was great!  I'll be happier when I'm working from home and can lay down when needed.
We're really anxious about what the Dr. will say this week.